Get Started Using the Emergency VPN

In order to start using our Emergency VPN fill the form below. One of our team members will send you instructions on how to proceed.

Para usar la VPN de Emergencia, complete el formulario y nuestro equipo le enviará instrucciones sobre cómo proceder.

Чтобы использовать Emergency VPN, заполните форму, и наша команда отправит вам дальнейшие инструкции.


We are currently aware of certain issues that some users may be experiencing using our Emergency VPN service. We are working on solving them, but until further notice, please be aware on how to respond to them:

  • Android users may be unable to import Wireguard profiles because the ‘.conf’ file has a long name. You can bypass this by renaming the configuration file received for something shorter. This is only happening on certain Android clients, and only on Wireguard.

  • Certain users may be unable to connect using OpenVPN. Check the logs (top right corner of the app). If the error mentions ‘tun0 subnet out of range’, request a new profile via email and try again.